International Conference on Flipped Learning
Savsko naselje primary school in Ljubljana hosted an international conference on flipped learning 9th May 2016. The conference was part of the “FLIP - Flipped Learning in Praxis” project, supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. The purpose of the project is to develop guidelines for the implementation of blended learning environments in which information and communication technologies (ICTs) are used to enhance students’ learning environments. The conference was arranged at Savsko naselje and attended by 40 participants, mainly school teachers from Ljubljana and Maribor. The conference was documented and uploaded on by Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. Introduction to the conference by Savsko naselje and presentation of the FLIP project by Keilir as the project promoter. Presentations by four project partners and best practice examples and experiences by seven teachers from Savsko naselje primary school, Slomsek Institute and Secondary School of Economics Maribor. International Conference on Flipped Learning Savsko naselje primary school, 9 May 2016 Savsko naselje primary school in Ljubljana will host an international conference on flipped learning 9th May 2016. The conference is part of the “FLIP - Flipped Learning in Praxis” project, supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. The purpose of the project is to develop guidelines for the implementation of blended learning environments in which information and communication technologies (ICTs) are used to enhance students’ learning environments. Programme Arnbjorn Olafsson, Keilir - Atlantic Center of Excellence, Iceland Verica Šenica Pavletič, headteacher of Savsko naselje primary school, Slovenia & Breda Gruden, Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia Session 1 - Introduction Why do we need to flip our learning? Mr. Hjalmar Arnason, Director of Keilir, Iceland Connection between the Flipped Learning and the 8 European key competences and the different subjects competences PhD Sergio Vastarella, Free University of Bolzano,Italy Flipped learning why and how? - my experience as a high school teacher in Norway Ms. Anne-Catherine Goatas, TV2 television channel, Norway Flipped learning and teacher's work: from idea to final product Primož Bevc, Savsko naselje primary school, Slovenia Flipped Learning in chemistry classes. Experiment: substitutions and additions Živa Grobelšek, Savsko naselje primary school, Slovenia Session 2 - Best Practices in Slovenia Mutual interaction and Flipped Learning in Physics classes Milojka Vidmar, Savsko naselje primary school, Slovenia Flipped Learning in English classes Tita Horvat, Savsko naselje primary school, Slovenia Flipped Learning in Geography classes Uroš Herman, Savsko naselje primary school, Slovenia Flipped Athletics Kristijan Perčič, Anton Martin Slomsek Institute, Slovenia Flipped learning and developing writing skills Majda Poš Vrabl, Secundary School of Economics Maribor, Slovenia Variability within species - laboratory exercise Alenka Pokeržnik, Secundary School of Economics Maribor, Slovenia |
Conference Presentations [videos]